Advent #4 – Mt. 2:13-23
We closed out our Advent series right before Christmas Eve by looking at the last part of Matthew 2. We pray that you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas!
We closed out our Advent series right before Christmas Eve by looking at the last part of Matthew 2. We pray that you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas!
Matthew 2:1-12 It was the third Sunday of Advent this past weekend, and we are moving steadily through Matthew 1-2 over this month. In 2:1-12, we read the familiar story of the Magi visiting Jesus. But while this passage can sometimes be remembered for its remarkable pieces (namely the Star of Bethlehem!), it is truly […]
Mt. 2:1-12 We continued in our Advent series by looking deeper at Matthew 1:18-25, which is Joseph’s part of the Christmas story. Here, he names his son Jesus, the one who will save people from their sins and be the sign of Immanuel, which means, “God With Us.” Listen below to hear more!
Advent season has begun! It is also the beginning of our new sermon series in the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew’s gospel begins by listing the genealogy of Jesus. While the list of names may not jump out to us as an “exciting” thing to read at first, a deeper dive into it shows us the […]
In the third week of our Advent series in John 1, Aaron preached on the reality of Jesus as the light of God who shines brightly in the darkness of our world and our sin. Listen below to hear more!
Gabe continues our Advent series in John 1 by discussing John the Baptist in 1:6-8. Listen here!
The season of Advent is upon us! One of our replanting interns, Adam, kicked off our 4 week series in John 1, which is a time for us to prepare our hearts for the celebration of the Incarnation of Jesus on Christmas. Listen below!