Community Groups meet at homes during the week. Everyone is welcome! We eat together, talk through the weeks message and close our time in prayer for each other.
All groups are open and welcome visitors. We have 2 different groups meeting on different nights to provide you with different opportunities to join!
Listed below are the groups with location and a person to email with any questions or to let them know you are checking out their group.
- Mondays – 5-7pm at the Reeds’ in Centennial
Lead by Gabe Reed – gabe@thecalvary.org - Thursdays – 6-8pm at Nancy’s in Centennial
Lead by James Kellems – james@thecalvary.org
- If you are interested in hosting a new Community Group please contact: Roger Koons rogerkoons70@gmail.com
For more information, please contact summitviewoffice@calvary.org