Why would we be invested in student ministries? There are currently two 6th-12th grade students regularly a part of our Sunday services.
1. Glory – God gets much glory in students following Jesus.
2. Missions – Student ministries is an outreach. God connected us to students in a sister church plant, Newton Middle School and a refugee church. All these groups come together for weekly meetings, mission trips, camp and retreats.
3. Hope – We are committed to discipling future generations. We need disciple-makers in the church. Kids and students can develop a heart for those far from Him at a young age that will persevere through a lifetime of faith. (Samuel is a great example of experiencing God’s grace and empowering at a young age)
4. Discipleship – We are called to faithfully lead disciples through their next step of faith in Jesus. We believe God will bring more students. But our priority is to first see students radically transformed by the gospel of Jesus.
Student Ministries meets Sunday nights at 6pm. Email Allie Berg ab27@hawaii.edu to get the latest scoop.